Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day and Dessert

Valentine's Day is tomorrow. Those you know me well, know that I am not a fan. I can't give you any good reason WHY I don't like Valentine's Day. I just don't. BUT, I go along with it for my kids' sake. They LOVE giving their friends valentines. This year we did Pixie Stick valenties and they each had to write all their classmates' names on the cards and assemble. My oldest daughter, a 4th grader, was totally annoyed that she had to give the BOYS cards that say Be My Valentine, upon which she crossed out those words on the cards to her male classmates. Geez.   In previous years, I've gotten them new heart PJ's or shirts (now of which they are "too old" for so I'm told). Last year I heart-bombed their bedroom doors, which they LOVED.
Each heart said something I loved about them. About 1/2 of the hearts are STILL on their bedroom doors a year later. This year, I'm going with a not-so-healthy plan, but they will be 100% excited. This box of Lucky Charms cereal will be a HUGE hit. Lucky Charms is their #1 "vacation food" - meaning they are ONLY allowed to have it on vacation. We leave for a mini-vacation on Friday, so I'm killing two birds with one stone! I'm sure they will want to have it for b'fast tomorrow, and on a day where they are going to be stuffed silly with other junk food and candy, its ok. Its one day- its definitely NOT something I'd allow ANY OTHER school morning. Ever. 
And another HUGE hit from last year at the Kindergarten Valentines party were these Strawberry roses:

I used the HUGE dipping strawberries and painted candy sticks green. The kids LOVED them. The only bad thing was I only made 1 per child. They all wanted more. I'm contemplating doing them again this year. Problem is...its tomorrow....I don't have the sticks or the strawberries. If I do them again, I may not paint the sticks. Regardless- they are a prefectly adorable and HEALTHY valentines idea. I think I got the idea off of Pinterest. Those "strawberry roses" had been drizzled with chocolate. The kids loved them without, and so did I!  Win-win!

We have several things working against us as a family for dinner tomorrow night, so I'm not sure what I'm cooking in the small time frame I have. My original plan was for hubby to grill some venison tenderloin, which taste JUST LIKE steak, but 1/2 the fat. I love it.  And I want some sort of fun dessert. I'm thinking about this:

PointsPlus Value: 2


  • Mix pudding mix and milk together either in a blender or with a whisk. Let sit in a mixing bowl til it slightly thickens. In the meantime spray a clear glass bowl with cooking spray. Open the bag of Oreo Crisps and roll them til they are crumbles. Sprinkle some around the sides and bottom of the bowl. Now fold the whipped topping into the pudding until thoroughly combined. Spoon 1/2 the mixture into the prepared bowl,top with some of the cookie crumbs and repeat. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.

I may use the entire package of the Oreo "crisps" (gasp!) or just use some plain old mini-Oreos and calculate the new points. We'll see. Looks yummy, though! I have some fun parfait glasses I may serve it in - that sounds fun, right?

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